
Sunday, December 16, 2012

{32 weeks}

Another week gone by (and only 1 more til Christmas....yikes!)

These 12-13 hour shifts at work are not friends with my cankles...the swelling is definitely getting worse! My back is feeling about the same, but now sweet Cade is also on another nerve (literally) which causes random numbness in my right hand. Sigh. 
I can definitely tell he's growing in there....because my lungs are running out of room. It's especially bad during/immediately after I eat or when I'm sitting down. He's quite the wiggle worm here lately. What used to be little kicks on the sides of my belly have turned into big waves of movement as he rolls around in there. And he seems to get the hiccups daily now, which took me a good 3 days to figure out what they were. But he has spells of tiny little repetitive movements and I think that's the only thing it can be.

Wrapping presents and baking for Christmas has made me even more excited for this little guy to be here. I know time will fly and before we know it, it'll be Christmas next year and he'll be almost one! I can't wait to see him crawling around the living room and trying to rip ornaments off the tree (a job that currently belongs to our cat).

Pet Peeve
This week, it has to be my clumsiness. Now I've never been the queen of grace, but this is getting ridiculous. I mean, I drop everything. EVERYTHING. I know that's a small thing to be annoyed about, but when you have a big belly that doesn't allow you to bend over all the way (and certainly not without holding your breath) you'd be annoyed too. My husband just laughs at my frustration, which annoys me more.

Things I Miss
Approximately 78% of my closet
The tanning bed
Bending over without holding my breath
Sleeping on my back/stomach
Wearing my wedding rings
Shoes not being too tight

Now with all that being said, I've had a wonderful pregnancy and by no means am I complaining about it at all. I'm truly blessed to be carrying this little guy around and in no way take that for granted. However, I'm entitled to my feelings, so there they are!

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you ask the doc about the numbness.

    And it is the universal problem - as soon as it hurts, or is difficult, to bend over, that's when you drop everything.

    Preparing you for ALL of the 'drop it' games Cade will engage you in. Be prepared to bend over. A LOT.
