At our house we have been patiently waiting for Fall to knock on our door since, well, June.
Cody and I both share a love for cold weather. His stems from an obsession with anything hunting-related. Mine love for fall and winter is simply because I hate to be hot. I like warm weather long enough to take a trip to a body of water and get a tan, and then I'm over it.
Of course it's not at all shocking to me that it's still above 90 here in Tennessee. I'll bite my tongue though since we've had a "mild" summer.
I'd like to kick whoever thinks "mild" is not getting above 100 degrees in the shin.
All September has managed to bring us so far is raging allergies. Enter Cade's first head cold this weekend. Poor thing has spent his weekend rubbing snot and watery eyes on my shoulder. He handled it like a trooper though, managing a few half-ass smiles yesterday even when he was feeling his worst.
Lots of snuggles this weekend.
You like that random patch of short hair? Thanks a lot post-partum hair loss.
All this heat and snot has made me SUPER excited to go back riding this weekend.
The weather for East TN is looking like mid-70s and sunny...which means up in the mountains it will feel like fall. I can at least pretend for 3 days! I'm sure my husband will look at me like I've grown a third head when I throw on a hoodie and try to bring coffee with me :)
Frozen Salted Caramel Mocha, because it's flippin' hot outside.
By the way, I'm still searching for the most perfect First Halloween Costume for Cade. Cody is still giving me a firm "no" on most of my suggestions. I would like a bat or fox, but everything I show him receives an eye-roll and "Really? That?"
He forgets we're shopping for an infant, not a 10-year old.
If you see something cute, send it my way!
I'm going to light fall candles all around my house, crank up my AC, and pretend it's cool outside.
I'm with you!! I'd like to walk outside with Madison without sweating as soon as I walk out the door!