
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Cade {6 months}

Happy 1/2 Year Birthday Little Man!

16.11 pounds, and just over 27 inches long!

What's New?
Where to even start??
Cade finally likes eating off a spoon...that only took 3 weeks. He never would eat rice cereal, so oatmeal was our first food. Once he got the hang of that we went through all the first foods. He's loves his fruits (I think bananas and pears are faves so far), but is not a fan of squash and literally gags when we try green beans and peas. Can we say dramatic? I'm going to keep trying the veggies so maybe he'll warm up to them. 
We're in mostly 6 month clothes now. He can still wear pretty much all of his 3-6 month pants and shorts, because 6 month shorts fall off him. He's wearing 6 or 6-9 month jams. I think in the next week or two we'll transition into size 3 diapers.
Still just two teeth, but the doctor noticed one of his top teeth trying to come in. So in a week or two we should have another tooth!
Cade is rolling all over the place now that he can roll from belly to back. He's also trying so hard to scoot and crawl! He buries his head on the ground, pulls his butt up in the air, and then pushes himself forward. It's cute to watch, he looks like a little inchworm :)
Sleep is pretty consistent. Cade takes his last bottle around 8 pm and if that doesn't make him fall asleep, we let him stay up about 10 more minutes and then lay him in his crib awake. After that he normally puts himself to sleep in about 5 minutes. Naptime is a different story. He was taking two 1-2 hour naps a day (morning and afternoon). Here lately I'm lucky if he takes an hour nap all day. Those are days where we greet daddy at the door so he can save our my sanity.

Favorite Things:
(This month was hard!)

Threshold Global Trunk: We have a large window in our living room, with room underneath for this trunk. I bought it to keep blankets in, but now I'm actually going to use it as a toybox in the living room. I know once Cade is moving around, there will be toys all over the house and this will be the perfect place to store them without looking out of place. (Sidenote-Chloe is pretty sure it's a cat bed.)

Taggies: We have many different types of taggie blankets, and Cade isn't really particular about which one he has. We started giving him one to sleep with when we noticed he would scratch his little fingers against the crib at night, almost like he was trying to pick something up. I gave him a taggie and now he holds onto it when he falls asleep. I actually lay 2 in the crib at night, so when he wiggles around he can usually get a hold of one.

Gerber First Foods: This is actually the only brand of food we've tried. Mainly because I looked at the ingredients, it's just a vegetable or fruit and water. Not like some other brands that are "apples" and the list of ingredients has 7 things on it I can't pronounce. Ew.

JJ Cole Bibs: Love these! Plastic bibs are such a lifesaver. These are totally washable, so they just get thrown in the sink with the bottles and then hung up to dry.

We're looking forward to many things...
Mostly fall weather.
But also 6 month pics, trying more new foods, and seeing this baby crawl!!

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