I will have to blame my blogging absence on illness this time :( sick babies are no fun!
About 2 weeks ago Cade came down with a runny nose that I blamed on the weather and teething since he had no fever. After a week of snot and a night of being awake literally every 45 minutes, we visited the doctor who diagnosed him with bronchitis and an ear infection. I'm not sure where the bronchitis diagnosis came from, but whatever. It got us some pink amoxicillin (which quickly got on every outfit we owned) but Cade finished the antibiotic last week and seems to be feeling much better. He's still tugging at his right ear but otherwise seems like his old self so I'm not too worried.
Did I mention that the same week he was sick with all this he cut 3 teeth. THREE TEETH.
There was not enough coffee in this world.
About 2 weeks ago Cade came down with a runny nose that I blamed on the weather and teething since he had no fever. After a week of snot and a night of being awake literally every 45 minutes, we visited the doctor who diagnosed him with bronchitis and an ear infection. I'm not sure where the bronchitis diagnosis came from, but whatever. It got us some pink amoxicillin (which quickly got on every outfit we owned) but Cade finished the antibiotic last week and seems to be feeling much better. He's still tugging at his right ear but otherwise seems like his old self so I'm not too worried.
Did I mention that the same week he was sick with all this he cut 3 teeth. THREE TEETH.
There was not enough coffee in this world.
I cannot explain how happy I am he's feeling better, for the sake of everyone in our house.
While Cade was sick and congested he could only really sleep with his head elevated. Raising the head of his mattress didn't help very much so I ended up holding him a lot. He's feeling better now but the last few days he's woken up around 4:30-5:00 in the morning. I feed him and get him back to sleep but the second I lay him down he's awake and either crying or wanting to play. The only thing that will get him to stay asleep is laying down with me. And then he will sleep until 8:00.
Cade has never slept in our bed and I don't want him to start but I don't know how to get him back to sleep in the mornings. I also don't want him to think it's ok to wake up at 5 am and play. Because it is not.
Mommy is tired at 5.
Any advice on getting this guy back on his schedule??
We're still slowly welcoming fall in...and searching for the most perfect 1st Halloween costume!
Have a good week!