The last 11 weeks have flown by...I can't believe I had Cade at the beginning of February, and it's late April now. I was able to arrange for 13 weeks off work to stay home with him, so I'll be returning to work 2 weeks from today.
It's a little bittersweet actually.
I feel guilty admitting it, but I'm looking forward to 3 days a week in the "real world." Being a nurse in a hospital allows me to work 3 days a week, and I self-schedule so I pick my shifts. I guess that's why I'm not too sad about returning. I'm definitely not sad about making money again! The hardest part will be when it's time for holidays, since I'm required to work so many between Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I've got my eyes open for something with "office" hours as well.
It helps that I know Cade will be in good hands through the summer. Between my mom and Cody's mom, we won't have to arrange for childcare until probably the end of August. I'd like for Cade to stay out of an actual "daycare" until he's at least moving around good on his own. Plus most daycare centers now don't offer part-time rates and since I work some weekend shifts, there are some weeks where I only need childcare one day. I've got names of a couple of people who watch kids in their home, so I'll begin my search with them. Hopefully we find someone that's a good fit!
In other news :)
Cade seems to be more consistent with his sleep, now sleeping mostly 6-7 hour stretches.
Thank goodness.
He also seems to be less fussy in the evenings, so hopefully he's outgrowing that phase.
We'll be spending the next two weeks soaking up our time together and getting outside as much as possible since it makes him so happy (truly his father's child).
We're also looking forward to 3 month pictures next week with the fabulous Nicole Gagliano. Hopefully the weather (and Cade) will play nice for us!
Have a good rest of the week!
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