
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Be Thankful.

I really enjoy Thanksgiving, and this year is no different. Because who doesn't love a holiday where the main activities include eating, football, and pre-planning a massive shopping trip on Black Friday?
But seriously, as I sit here and think about this year I can't help but be amazed at how much love and happiness we've experienced. Not only for ourselves, but for our friends and family as well. As our family grew, we watched our friends' welcome little ones as well. We can only hope our little ones are as good of friends as we are. 
We have so many blessings to be thankful for. 
Photo credit: Nicole Gagliano Photography
God knew what he was doing when he gave us the best gift we've ever received. Cade has brought us joy and happiness that we never knew was possible. We've watched him grow, smile, laugh, and start talking in these last 9 months. He continues to amaze us every day. He is sometimes a challenge to our patience, but that's where grandparents come in...
We are so lucky to have a wonderful support system. If it's possible for anyone to love Cade even a fraction of how much we do, it's these 4 people. They are always there for us and him, and it makes me so happy that he will grow up knowing and loving them.
I'm thankful for Mrs. Tammy, Cade's babysitter. I'm fortunate to have a job where I can spend 4 days a week at home, but when I'm at work it's such a relief to know my baby is in good hands. She takes such good care of him and he just smiles every day that I drop him off. That makes life so much easier!
Speaking of work, I'm thankful to be able to do what I truly enjoy. Critical care nursing is a challenging (mentally and physically) job that I never knew I'd love. I can honestly say that I enjoy going to work. I have a wonderful work family and if it was possible to get them all in one place at one time I'd post a big group photo of them! I'm lucky enough to precept wonderful new grad nurses who probably teach me more than I teach them.

I could go on and on, but you probably don't want to listen to how I'm thankful for peppermint, Starbucks, Luke Bryan, and my cat. So I'll end it here. But I hope you remember everything you're thankful for this Thanksgiving and always.
Happy Thanksgiving!
(now let's go shopping!)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hello Holidays!

Are you as pumped and ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas as I am?
My normal holiday excitement has quadrupled now that I have a little one to plan for!
I'm not really a huge fan of mall Santas (or Easter Bunnies for that matter) but I felt like we had to get a pic of Cade and Santa just to say we did :)
Cade did pretty well...I think he was fascinated by Santa's beard.
(and I was silently praying he didn't yank it)
We are ready to stuff our faces on Thanksgiving and spend the day visiting with family.
This is also prep-day for Black Friday, which I consider a holiday in itself. Since Cody will be duck hunting, Cade gets to spend the day shopping! Lucky him!
I have so many Christmas presents to buy. As in, everyone except for Cade. Santa's got him taken care of already ;)
I'm taking today to myself (as in, I'm off work and Cade's going to daycare) to clean the house and decorate for Christmas. I cringe thinking of the Cade vs. The Christmas Tree Battle that will for sure go down. My bet is on Cade.
I've also got to order stockings now that we are three and of course I can't find a matching one for what we already have. I'm looking at these classic stockings from Pottery Barn. I'm also debating on ordering 4 so we'll have one for a (way in the future) Roberts' ;)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Cade {9 months}

I just can't get over the fact that I have a 9 month old.
Pretty soon I'll be planning a first birthday party!
It's been such a busy month for us with stomach bugs, trips, pictures, Halloween, etc. I feel like October was here and gone in a minute.
I feel like so much has changed in the last month...
Cade now weighs 19 pounds 13 ounces and is 28 and 3/4 inches long.
He's wearing 6-9 month clothing and 9-12 month pajamas. He has a big foot, and he's in a size 3 shoe right now. We got his first pairs of walking shoes this weekend, and I bought size 4's. I feel like by the time he actually wears them that's what size he'll be in because he can almost fit a 3.5, and most brands don't do half sizes anyway.
We now have 8 teeth, 4 top and 4 bottom. Favorite foods are still bananas, sweet potatoes, strawberry yogurt, and a chicken and apples combo that I totally don't understand. But he loves it so whatever. I've also been doing some baby cookies with him, which is the only solid food he wants anything to do with right now.
I seriously need to baby-proof this house now that Cade is not only crawling, but pulling up on everything. This includes things you can't actually pull up on, like the front of the washer or refrigerator. Thank goodness it only took a few days for him to figure out how to sit down on his bottom when he got tired. I felt pretty bad every time I couldn't get to him before he got tired, tumbled back, and whacked his head on the hardwood floor. He's getting brave too, already trying to walk around stuff that he's holding on to or reaching out for things he wants while he's standing. I feel like he'll be walking in no time.
Cade's sweet little cupcake Lexi :)
We had a fun Halloween even though Daddy had to work, and Cade was such a cute little scarecrow. It wasn't Cody's top pick by any means, but it suited him so well! I'll be so excited next year when we can go trick-or-treating :)

We're looking forward to the holidays of course! Cody's family is all coming in for Thanksgiving so Cade will meet some cousin's for the first time. And what's almost as good as stuffing your face as a form of celebrating? Shopping the whole next day! Black Friday is right up there with Christmas morning for me...I'm already mentally mapping my attack plan. I've bought Cade one present, and I have a few more things in mind for him. I haven't even started anything else so it'll be time to get serious!