
Sunday, December 30, 2012

{34 weeks} and Happy New Year!!

Here is my obligatory "I can't believe it's the end of the year, it's gone by so fast!" post.
It really has. And we all say that every year, but this one has flown by! I knew the end of the year would because I would be in my third trimester when we were celebrating the holidays. But then sometimes I think about the day I found out I was pregnant, which was in June, and it seems like so long ago. Then I quickly remind myself to shut up, because we only have 6 weeks left!
People keep asking me if we have everything ready for the baby and I always think in my head "No!!!" but when I look at the nursery, we are pretty much ready. I mean, if Cade came tomorrow, we could bring him home and not have to make a trip out to get anything immediately. I think I hear that panic in my head because really, who is totally prepared to bring a new baby home. If you are (and it's your first one) you're my hero.

At this point, I'm officially exhausted a zombie. These nights of sleeping 5 hours and going to work for 13 are getting old. And thank you in advance to all those people who will comment on this and day "it's just preparing you for when the baby comes." We're going to add that to the list of "Shit you shouldn't say to a pregnant woman." It's right up there with "I can tell you're getting close to the end, your face is all puffy" (and yes, that happened this week).

On a happier note =) we had a wonderful Christmas. It was tiring running around for 2 days straight, but it's always so nice to see everyone that we don't see that often. And what kind of presents do you get a pregnant girl? Shoes, jewelry, an iPad, a new camera, and new video camera. My family is awesome! I think I literally squealed when I opened the Tiffany bracelet and Frye boots from my sweet husband on Christmas morning. Too bad my cankles won't allow me to wear my gorgeous boots yet :( but I can wear the new Hunter rain boots from my in-laws!
Can't wait for my ankles to be normal again so I can wear these beauties!

I will be ringing the New Year in (hopefully) by being sound asleep in my bed. I have to work New Years' Eve and Day, which is a small trade-off for being off all of Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. The hospital never closes :(
Who are kidding, I'd probably be asleep by 9 anyway.

Happy New Year!
It will be the best one yet!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

{A Letter to Cade}

I'm sitting here on Christmas night, watching old movies and enjoying sitting down and relaxing for what feels like the first time in 3 days. I'm also thinking about all the reasons I (we) are blessed and about the wonderful year that has passed. I've been having trouble sleeping lately, and so most of my time lying awake in bed is spent thinking about Cade coming into this world and how truly amazing that is. I started thinking last night about all the things I want to tell him one day, and I don't want to forget anything. I thought I'd write a letter here where it will be when I need it.

Cade Alexander Roberts

It's Christmas Day 2012, and in just 7 short weeks you are due to join us here in this world. This fills me with many scary emotions and anxiety, but mostly joy. Your daddy and I have been married for 3 years now, and together for 6 years before that. We always knew we wanted to have children, and we can't wait to meet you. We've loved you from the moment we found out you were in my belly, before you were even big enough to see. Nothing will ever compare to my feeling of shock and pure joy when I found out I was pregnant with you, except for the look on your daddy's face when I told him the news. We were so excited!
You will know one day that your daddy doesn't often show his emotions. However, nothing has ever made him more excited that to learn that we were having you and that you were a little boy that he could raise to be his own. My love for your dad grew exponentially while I was pregnant, because he already loved you so much before he even met you. They say that nothing compares to a mother's love for her child (which I believe), but your daddy has a very special love for you too. He would sit on the couch at night while you were in my belly and wait to feel you kick. If you were sleeping in there, he would want me to move around and try to wake you up. I think it was his way of playing with you before you were even born.
We are very different people, your dad and I. However, we go together perfectly and have a love that will only be made stronger by you being with us. I can't wait to hold you and see if you have my dark hair, or his blue eyes. You will have parts of each of us in you, which will make you special and unlike anyone else in this world. I hope you are blessed with all of our best traits. 
From your dad, I hope you get his unwavering determination. He's never met a challenge he wasn't willing to face head on. There is no task too big or small for him, whether it's work or hunting. I hope you get his sense of humor. He tells me all the time that I am too serious, because he can find humor in anything. I also hope you get his big heart. Like I said before, your dad doesn't like to show emotion. Never let that fool you into thinking he doesn't care. People who truly know him know that he will do and give anything to help someone who needs it. He will never let you down, and he will teach you so much about life.
It's harder to tell you what I hope you take from me, because I'm critical of myself. I could easily tell you all the things I hope you don't get from me, like my anxiety or tendency to worry about small things, but I'll try to be positive. I hope you get my nurturing personality. I'm by nature a caring person (which is why I became a nurse). By this I mean I want you to always know there are people that need you, and there is always a way you can help. I also hope you get my patience and faith. Things will not always happen when and how you want them to, but they will work out how they're meant to. God will always take care of you.

You are so lucky to be born into this family. Besides me and your dad, you have two uncles who will always take care of you and probably let you get away with anything! You also have 4 grandparents who want nothing more than to see you happy and healthy. You're  the first grandchild, and that will always make you special to them. Between all of us, you will always be taken care of and never do without.

Cade, this world is a scary place. Because of that, sometimes we will drive you crazy. We will get on your nerves, embarrass you, and make you mad. Sometimes you won't get to do things you want to, and you won't think that's fair. Just remember, we do all these things out of nothing but pure love for you. We will do our best to be good parents to you, and give you everything you need and most of what you want. We will protect you and teach you and help you grow. And one day when you're older, you will look back on all these things we did and understand why we did them. We know this because we've experienced all of these things from our parents. And you will do the same for your children.
Until then, we want nothing more than for you to be a kid. We want you to have fun, get dirty, make mistakes, and learn how to always do your best. Life won't always be what you want, and you'll get hurt sometimes. Always remember that we are here for you and we will never let you down. 
We will take care of you always. 
We love you.

Monday, December 24, 2012

{33 weeks} and Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

I love love love the holidays =)
Mostly because you get to bake, eat, drink, and open presents!
But in all seriousness, the true reason for the season is never lost to me. And I enjoy the happiness that comes with Christmas. I wish people kept these warm, cheery moods year-round!
My kitchen has been filled with goodies and candy all week. Hooray for being pregnant through the holidays...because who will hate on the pregnant girl for eating too much? No one!

My doctors' appointment last week went well. There's not much to write about there. I'm just happy to know Cade is still hanging out in there, enjoying himself no doubt while I waddle around! My 32 pounds heavier self does not even want to think about taking down all these Christmas decorations and cleaning afterwards.
My clumsiness + OCD = potential for disaster.

So now we're 7 weeks (give or take) and counting until Cade's big arrival. My husband is predicting he will make his appearance February 2nd. Guess will see!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

{32 weeks}

Another week gone by (and only 1 more til Christmas....yikes!)

These 12-13 hour shifts at work are not friends with my cankles...the swelling is definitely getting worse! My back is feeling about the same, but now sweet Cade is also on another nerve (literally) which causes random numbness in my right hand. Sigh. 
I can definitely tell he's growing in there....because my lungs are running out of room. It's especially bad during/immediately after I eat or when I'm sitting down. He's quite the wiggle worm here lately. What used to be little kicks on the sides of my belly have turned into big waves of movement as he rolls around in there. And he seems to get the hiccups daily now, which took me a good 3 days to figure out what they were. But he has spells of tiny little repetitive movements and I think that's the only thing it can be.

Wrapping presents and baking for Christmas has made me even more excited for this little guy to be here. I know time will fly and before we know it, it'll be Christmas next year and he'll be almost one! I can't wait to see him crawling around the living room and trying to rip ornaments off the tree (a job that currently belongs to our cat).

Pet Peeve
This week, it has to be my clumsiness. Now I've never been the queen of grace, but this is getting ridiculous. I mean, I drop everything. EVERYTHING. I know that's a small thing to be annoyed about, but when you have a big belly that doesn't allow you to bend over all the way (and certainly not without holding your breath) you'd be annoyed too. My husband just laughs at my frustration, which annoys me more.

Things I Miss
Approximately 78% of my closet
The tanning bed
Bending over without holding my breath
Sleeping on my back/stomach
Wearing my wedding rings
Shoes not being too tight

Now with all that being said, I've had a wonderful pregnancy and by no means am I complaining about it at all. I'm truly blessed to be carrying this little guy around and in no way take that for granted. However, I'm entitled to my feelings, so there they are!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

{Maternity Pictures}

Much to my excitement, I got an email today from our photographer this morning telling me our pictures were finished. Eek!! Props to her for the turn-around time! She sent me a ton, and I've posted almost all of them to Facebook but I'll post a few of my favorites on here too :)

Makes me smile! Only 8 1/2 weeks to go!
I know I haven't officially posted the name on here until now, but this seemed to be a fitting way.
Now I have to decide which of the pictures I want to hang in the nursery!

I worked in the nursery all day today, so hopefully soon I will be able to post pictures. It's looking mighty cute :)

Have a good week!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

{31 weeks}

What a busy busy week! I thought I'd update now in my 30 minutes of free time today or it won't get done until Wednesday. Not that anyone's life is hinging on my blog posts, but I like to be consistent.

My 30 week check-up went well. If by well I mean I almost flipped my shit when I saw the weight on the scale, then yes it went well. But seriously, baby is good and we're measuring more "normal" now. I also met with our new pediatrician this week. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I'm happy with our choice =)

We finally had maternity pictures made and I cannot wait to get them back! I was so bummed when it rained all day Tuesday, but the wonderful Nicole came through and fit us in on Wednesday afternoon. It was sunny and 60 December. Normally I would complain about this because I don't believe winter should be warm but hey, I didn't have to wear a parka so it's all good! Cody even cooperated and didn't complain (too much) about having to smile for the camera.

Once again I'll say that I cannot wait to get this nursery organized! It was all good until Christmas hit, and I turned it into a temporary wrapping room/storage space. I'm thinking next week the wrapping paper will go back up in the attic and I can sort through this madness. I had another wonderful baby shower today and got tons of adorable goodies! I have massive amounts of sorting and baby laundry to do now!

I think the nesting is kicking in. I woke up this morning and wanted to do nothing more than clean and mop floor. Who am I?? Unfortunately, my schedule won't allow that to happen until Wednesday when I'm off work again. So until then I'll try to keep my sanity.

Pet Peeve
I'd like to dedicate a section to my pet peeve every week =)
I know when you're pregnant you're supposed to be glowing and happy, but lets face it...we're hormonal and sometimes things are annoying (you already all know how I feel about belly touching). I don't blog to gripe, but sometimes I just need to speak my mind.
So why is it that when you're pregnant people ask you how far along you are, to which you appropriately respond and they follow with "Are you excited?!"
Am I excited?
Am I going to say no?
It just seems like a silly question.
I swear this exact conversation happens on a daily basis.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

{30 weeks}

30 Weeks!
I can definitely tell this belly is getting bigger now! And bless the woman I ran into shopping this weekend who told me she thought I was around 20 weeks pregnant. I love you.

It's been a busy week between work and traveling, so I feel like this is the first time I've sat down. I left (with my mom) Friday morning and we drove 4 hours away to shop in East TN, and returned Saturday night at about 7 pm. Let me just say, while I love to shop, I was totally worn out.  Hopefully we walked enough to burn off the sweets and pancakes I ate while we were there =)
We normally travel to East TN or Atlanta after Christmas every year and shop for a weekend, but I didn't want to risk being 4 hours away from home when I'm 35 weeks pregnant. So we went before Christmas this year while I can still see my feet!

This week will be another busy one (and judging by the look of my calendar, so will every week from now until....February). Thank goodness I only work 3 days a week right now, or I'd be in panic mode I think. I'm looking forward to our maternity pictures on Tuesday with the fabulous Nicole Gagliano. I just hope the rain that's expected holds off. Then Wednesday starts my bi-weekly doctor appointments, which means we're getting serious! I'm also meeting with a pediatrician on Tuesday.

I'm waiting on one more Christmas present to arrive in the mail and once it's wrapped I can finally clear all my junk out of the floor in there. And then when I get all my goodies sorted through after my shower coming up on Sunday, it will be more organized! Definitely looking forward to that.

I'll leave you with some cuteness from my furbaby =)
Don't let her deceive you. She's silently plotting ways to rip ornaments off the tree.