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Yes, I'm in pajamas. My very favorite leopard pajama pants =) |
Happy Halloween!
25 weeks now and not much has changed, although my back pain is starting to ease (I hope). Wedding rings continue to get tighter :( so I have a feeling that in the next couple of weeks, they will be off for good. Boo. Same with clothes. Not that they'll be off for good, but all the non-maternity clothes I could fit in to are slowly becoming too tight as well. Just an excuse to buy cute new things. I'm wearing out Target's maternity sweater dress section =)
I'm still trying to be good about what I eat (well, at least until my glucose test in 3 weeks. Then it's game on!) but all of these yummy holiday foods are making it super hard. And my salt cravings have turned into a wicked sweet tooth. I actually ate a (full size) candy bar the other day, which I haven't done in a couple of years probably. Thank goodness the closest Starbucks to me is 30 minutes away, or I'd be in BIG trouble.
I had a dream this week that our boy was here and Cody and I were calling him Goose (for some unknown reason). Possible future nickname?
He's kicking like crazy, mostly in the mornings when I first wake up or in the afternoons. It was a little strange at first, thinking of another person moving around inside of you. But now, it's sweet and comforting whenever he moves. It makes me happy. As ready as I am to meet this little guy, I think I'll miss feeling him wiggle around in my tummy.
We've FINALLY decided on a name! And I immediately got a burp cloth embroidered, so it's truly official!
I also walked a 5K this weekend. Woop! I stress the word walk, because even the people pushing strollers passed Kaeli and I. Don't judge, you try walking 4 miles carrying 20 extra pounds! But we finished and had fun! I need to keep walking more so this post-baby weight loss will happen quickly.
And now, I need to wrap this up so I can finish cleaning my house! I've got my Leaves candle from Bath & Body burning (trying to use up my fall scents so I can bust out the Christmas candles!) and my windows open. Santa Fe soup is in the crock-pot, so the husband will be super happy when he gets home from work! I'll be happy when this "nesting" kicks in and I'm actually happy about cleaning instead of procrastinating half of my day off.